Category Archives: Weekly Posts

Green Ideology & Feminism

Political Theory Essay



Green Ideology & Feminism, – either ‘Can human life only be understood in the context of the natural world? – Or, ‘Has the feminist movement finally achieved equality for contemporary women?’


From the iron age Boudicca to Cleopatra in ancient time, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Eleanor Roosevelt, Molly Dewson, Emmeline Pankhurst and Betty Friedan. Feminism is a relatively new term for a political movement for women’s right. The terms ‘first wave’ in the nineteenth century and ‘second wave’ in the twentieth fought to emancipate women, first for the right to vote and the second to allow women to break out of traditional roles such as motherhood and housewife by opening up education, jobs and being able to make a choice about their own bodies.  There are so many more women who fought for women’s rights but I only have a limited amount of time to do their work justice. Justice is a big word, in what began as a small but strong movement and now is a big movement for the finer issues that women still have to fight for, such as equal pay and equal opportunities within the workplace. 


In the question, there is a clue to the answer and that is ‘contemporary’ but what is a modern woman? Women’s roles throughout history have changed and continue to do so. During the 1990s the role of both women and men changed beyond recognition. Education became open to all, the department of work and pensions accommodated women wanting to go back to work after having children and childcare plus funding for all this was at the top of the priority list for the Labour government. This gave women a choice, to work have a family or not. This made men’s traditional options turn on its head. 


More and more couples were making decisions together, less and fewer people choose to get married and instead, left starting a family until both genders had established their careers. The feminist movement looked to be gaining traction as rights and liberties were being backed by law. This is what became the third wave and is still very prominent today.


The female population was being supported from the top downwards and no longer be expected to take on certain masculine traits to climb the ladder. Today, we have a battle of respect, sexually and behaviourally, in social and work environments. 

So in my conclusion, the answer is no. 

We haven’t achieved equality. Modern feminism has been rebranded and supports policies for both men and women. The campaigners want everyone to be able to communicate emotions and mental health issues, be mindful not to gender-type our children and more importantly equal pay and opportunity for all. 


Women’s pay noticeably differs from men’s for doing the same jobs, much like the race is decimated during pay for doing the same jobs as their white counterparts. 

More and more men are seeing the light and also want an equal world. So why isn’t it so? 

We have to look at the top of the ladder, such as Politian’s and businesses to make this shift. The more women to climb that ladder, the better the chance of equal pay.

The more men that become enlightened to the plight of a woman, the more of an opportunity for change will become apparent.

Feminism is about working together, more than elevating women above men which is the usual wrong assumption when people are asked about this movement. 

Women are still taxed simply for being female. Our sanitary products are classed as luxury items whereas caviar isn’t. Why is this?

And that is the reason we do not yet have equality, to gain equality these questions need to be answered and disappear as human culture becomes one with the distinction of gender, or race and works together.

As long as there are these inequalities, the feminist movement will continue their campaign.

To tie this in with the green ideology, seeing each other as equal and respecting the world on which we live, these movements and ideologies are very important as they ever were. 


The planet is becoming overpopulated, species are becoming extinct, the weather and our oceans are polluted and the air we breathe is starting to be toxic. Thousands of people die every year because of air pollution. Traditional tribes that are cut off from modern society are also being lost to a consumer obsessed civilisation. We need both of these movements and they need to grow and evolve to wake people up to the fact that their lives and capitalisation are killing us all and the planet.

The Alternative to fixing both of these problems lies with the Gaia Hypothesis and what the initiative is trying to achieve internationally.


As Always, My Darklings, Take Care

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Everyone has a Conscience

Arcadian and Greek morals and principles of Consideration, Manners and Respect. The ancient Greeks knew of a study called the Psyche before there was psychology and they observed something called a conscience. It is referenced in the bible as Pontius Pilate and many incantations and examples of this are in mythology, religion and folklore.


We all have that soul mate, that kindred spirit and partner of mind, body and heart. We are all one of a pair. We are all part of something called a pairing. It is someone who you probably don’t know about and lives nowhere near and you are unlikely just to bashing into them at the local club or dating site. It is called your Conscience.


We can talk with it inside our mind and begin a conversation with it. We can then ask it for a name and you should address that voice, otherwise known as your conscience as a person and if it gives you a name then you ought to begin finding out likes, dislikes and build a relationship with that person and be careful not to freak it out. Take your time and treat it like you would an everyday conversation because the only difference is that it is your mind instead of a phone or a website.


If you want to know how this works, it is one is a source and the other is a guardian of it. Not to be old fashioned or traditional about it but the Hindus know of this as the chakras, buddha as the ascension and oneness which is about being at one with your conscience which is alive, real person because if one dies, so does the other. You interlock with that person and compliment that personality’s attributes. pontius-pilate.jpg

This can also be termed as Twin Flames, we can mirror with our Conscience and when it works in harmony together it is also known as a symphony. It can have healing properties. It can also help lower the effects of hepatitis regardless. It is the reason that the planet’s population are not in the pairs and therefore there is an epidemic of STI’s (Sexual Transmitted Infections). We need to be in touch with our conscience and find one another and together, hopefully we can all become fulfilled human beings and truly know peace on earth.


I already know of mind and have for my entire life. When this happens you really ought not to be separated but I am from mind because I don’t like him that much. When it goes wrong, it really goes wrong and my own is just selfish and idiotic. I cannot stand the way he has treated me and those around him and he himself think they know more about this but when they need telling a billion times and termed in the simplest way, and have the nerve to think that I am insane.


I have always been a sensitive medium and though I don’t tell people about it as it has scared the living crap out of me, my soul mate is supposed to protect me from this but fails to even have a conversation with me, due to him wanting to believe and have something to blame all his misdemeanours on, which I seem to have been blamed for a lot. It is disgusting, as I can feel, sense and have an awareness of his disgusting sexual habits with other people and because we have both known about it for my entire life, we are more sensitive to each other’s activities on a day to day basis.


Here are some video links to show you what science thinks of this concept:

As Always, My Darklings, Take Care


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Social Science – Emile Durkheim

Emile Durkheim was a French 19th century sociologist who focused on what modern capitalism does to our minds – and concluded that it might, quite literally, be driving us to an early grave. 



Positive Philosophy Emile Durkheim

Paraphrase: References:

Lessen by Christine Scarince:

  • ‘An approach to the study of the society that relies specifically on scientific evidence, such as experiments and statistics, to reveal the true nature of how society operates.’


Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist in 1917. He developed the discipline of sociology tying in Karl Marx and Max Weber. 

Our society in the UK in a secular one and Emile Durkheim observed this in the shift from traditional and religious parts and era no longer being, mainstream with the uprising of social standards like education, health care and technology/science. 

Durkheim looked more at the structure with all of these parts in place and became the pioneer of sociology as a science. 

He focused on studying social facts surrounding tradition and modernity and their function. Durkheim postulated the norms, structures and values of society, a new perspective within his field, to look at the external rather than the internals of the natural world.


In his view, the Collective Consciousness and Rules were necessary for a functional society. Society is a whole, it is interrogational parts like the mechanisms of a clock that are all needed to uphold and ensure it keeps revolving, evolving and growing together. This sociologist also thought that even the dysfunctional areas of society such as crime were an important part of the intricate balance of the network of society to help keep it evolving, learning from the parts that didn’t run correctly and thus creating a new area of society to fix the issue of the broken system. He thought modern society was becoming an equilibrium community. This means finding new ways in which to keep establishments functioning, growing and adapting to new members or groups within the collective consciousness. 


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As Always, My Darklings, Take Care.



Essay – Psychology & Carl Jung

Carl Jung


References YouTube Heart of the Matter

The Undiscovered Self C. G. Jung 



What is Carl Jung’s contribution to science?

As an author of fiction, I research many different subjects and none have captured my attention like Carl Jung. 

His ideas about dream theories, Synchronicity, which is a term coined by him, and philosophy are current in today’s society. 

I will open this presentation with a quote I noted for the book I am working on at the moment, which I had before even signing up for this course. I think it tells you a lot about this Psychologist. 

‘Not nature, but ‘genius of mankind,’ has knotted the hangman’s noose with which it can be executed itself at any moment.’ 


Carl Jung, in my opinion, is one of the most important and interesting people in our time today although he was born in 1875 and died in 1961 in Switzerland. 

Psychology and quantum physics are now in an interesting relationship while they try to work out, who is ‘I’? 


Carl Young was most notably concerned with what many scientists call sudo science, dreams, coincidence and he coined the term Synchronicity. He was interested in the psyche: Telepathy, remote viewing and various other subjects and experiments to do with the mind. 

He was a fan of Freud. The two of them were interested in the unconscious mind. He was an active member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. He disagreed with Freud over his theories and I think this is what set Jung aside and gave him in some respects more credibility. His theories even tied in with Erikson. 

Jung theorised that the ego was the part of the mind that is conscious: The thinking, recall of memories, all the emotions a person has and knows about and is the part that is our identity and is continuous. The unconscious part is memories that are lost temporarily and repressed. His theories in the norm tied very much into Freud’s theories. 

More than this is his theory on synchronicities. His Archetype theory to me is very important since the discovery of internet error code found in the building blocks of life in the world of quantum physics. Believing that symbols from different groups of people and cultures appear similar and he assumed these came from archetypes from one pool of consciousness that is shared by the whole human race. Human’s history, as in ancient origins became the beginning of that whole human psyche.  His four focuses were:

  • Persona: The person we are to the outward world
  • Anima: Is the other gender to ourselves. If we are born female, we have male traits or behaviours. If male, they also have traits of the opposite sex. All humans carry both masculine and feminine qualities.
  • Shadow: Is your primal instinct, the part of your personality that is still an animal.
  • Self: Is a self of oneness.


“Jung’s theory in his book The Undiscovered Self was of the opinion a lot of problems today’s life are “man’s progressive alienation from his instinctual foundation”.


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Plagiarism & Art Thievery

The creative art across the board has a problem with plagiarism and theft. Agents, publishers and creatives not checking to see if the content is owned by their original authors, creators and publishers.


My own books have been subject to this as an agent scouting for my books to claim as their own, has butchered my work and without my consent and without my permission. They have tried every which way to get hold of my professional and personal data and mishandled it, even so far as blackmailing me, harassing and intimation and not in person.


They have hacked the information, using corrupt data from social media and wiretaps. They have gone out of their way to share that work touting as if they own it when they don’t. They’ve edited as if they have the right too, even being so dumb to not recognise anthologies that have multiple author’s works and mistaking it for all my work without recognising it as already published work by my publisher and their many imprints.

Beautiful Nightmares

They have leaked my personal data to chat rooms, corrupted it by mixing it in with very unsavoury data on their own data banks. They also wanted my work to publish under someone else’s name, which I would never agree to be, seeing as I am an established author.

If you are not creative or do not have the talent, don’t steal other peoples work and ideas. Do NOT tout as the owner when you do NOT have anything to do with the said author, artist or producer.

To take someone else’s hard work and talent so that other’s can make a lot of cash from a claim it as your own is a sure-fire way to piss someone or many people off. Having had a tip-off or several when those people who are trying to do that to me are yelling ‘we have forged your signature!’ and ‘we are taking the piss out of you!’ and ‘we are trying to steal your work!’ on their own wiretap and others. They are their own data and security breech, along with other people who have nothing to do with them or nothing professionally to speak of and as far as I know, they probably do that with their own clients who do know as well as those who don’t know.

The childish exploits of we are doing the dirt and because you won’t let us, thus you are the dickhead, is mind-numbingly ignorant. That and getting caught out, therefore here is spite and making life difficult and here the harassment and continue to repeat the crap hoping for a different outcome, spending way to much time on all the wrong stuff. Also paying attention to themselves and each other and all the wrong things is another reason why these arrogant people are the worst of criminals.

Giving bad reviews and ripping into good quality work because of jealousy, is unacceptable as a human being never mind exceedingly unprofessional. I would name and shame but as a professional and for legal purposes I won’t. All my works have been affected by this activity and I have enclosed a copy of the legal jargon regarding plagiarism.

Here are the publishers that publish my work and other authors who have their work in these anthologies. &



Fuck You to the Thieves

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As Always, My Darklings, Take Care


Recipe – Seafood Warm Salad


Warm Seafood Salad on a winter’s day. I buy frozen from the supermarket as it tends to be more fresh and preserved.

Any mixed seafood



Squid rings

but go with whatever you prefer. Seafood is a really healthy choice of many proteins and omega-three. I mix it with rice, and here I have onions, mixed peppers and cauliflower and broccoli. Lemon, basil, salt and pepper during frying off the seafood mix and as a dressing for the rice.

Lemon in with the rice as well as the basil is a good way to flavour the recipe. It tastes fresh and on a Friday night, makes for a great dish.


As Always, My Darklings, Take Care

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Rosa-Lee Satan who is also Nicolajayne Taylor


To my Dad, Seb Sergi Satan. Here is a message to you and my paternal family. As it is 2020, I had a terrible or terraiple year last year as I went on a memory walk from hell and discovered a lot of memories that I had sadly forgotten. I realised that I have been lied to, my entire life.


Born with two names, Rosa-Lee Satan as well as Nicolajayne Taylor, a Greek Cypriot Princess, I remember you reading Princess and the Pea to me, my cygnet ring and christening bracelet. My parental gaurdians lost most of my documentation, however, I think a few childhood images should jog a few memories for you and the rest of my family.




I still have a lot of memories to find, sadly I have missed my dad’s input in my life and it is the most important thing for me to find my dad. It is family, history, heritage and more of a priority to discover that side to me and my family I have sought after for my entire life. Enjoy the images Dad.


My Step Mother Toni Taylor and the one beneath is my nan Brenda Taylor. Back when we lived in Blackburn in Feniscowls, St Martins Drive or something like that! I cannot remember. I remember living in Riston, unfortunately, and only have one or two images in my mind of my dad. I feel robbed from my mother’s side of the family and trouble makers on all accounts. Now, I am searching for that part of my life and me that others would rather I forget. Like my marriage to Peter James Andrea. I don’t have any photos of that but one thing I do know that we were married in the 1980s as one of a pairing and duty so that when we were both adults, we would be together as man and wife, bringing family together.





And Now, Me as I am for my books and my blog as an adult. Hope you are proud, Dad and family. Much love, Rosa-Leah Satan aka Nicolajayne Taylor


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Process – Isn’t A Therapy For Me

Therapy doesn’t work for some people and can cause more damage than it fixes. As a victim of child abuse, rape and sexual harassment, therapy that involves talking about it would and has unearthed memories I would rather have not have brought to the surface even though so-called experts and medical professionals would have people believe that what they say is a fact and not all of them specialise or give it that much thought, after all, they are following recommendations and textbook opinions.


As someone who also suffers from Sensory Processing Disorder, which is a form of autism and seeing as I am extremely high functioning, I have to devise my own relaxation and coping techniques. the type of therapy I need is one that I have devised myself through years of suffering this alone for the most part and there isn’t any medication or therapy that is recommended for adults who are diagnosed later in life. When I have isolated myself and not entirely by choice, I have had to work out what works for me when it comes to my senses. I also suffer from bipolar and this in itself adds to depression when not being able to sort myself out when I have something spinning around my head or/and having a stressful time.

So what works for me:

Low lighting and fibre-optics do help calm me and lower tension. Reading from a dark screen rather than a light one is better for my eyes. I love coloured lighting and always have liked lighting with different shapes and colours projected across a room.


Cooking food from scratch is a good way of focusing and concentrating on an activity within the moment. I also like to multi-task and cooking is a good example of that. I love cooking all manners of food types and trying something new.


Taking a hot bath with candlelight and with essential oils helps calm my stress levels, helps me relax enough to sleep or calming work on my books and blog. The hot water also helps with my sciatica and arthritis, although some would say cooling water and numbing creams work better and through putting these to the test for over a decade, I know what works for me.


Routine, I have my alarms set for 9:00am and 9:00pm. I have two cups of coffee in the morning and between them, I feed my cats. As I drink my second cup of coffee, I think about what I want to do, a theme on my blog, editing a book in process or adding to new work. I break for lunch which is usually a sandwich and a cup of tea. Then I work out what to do till dinner time, blog, editing or writing. I also do housework in between. At 9:00pm I take my meds and look to watching a program or two on the tv and then bed by 11:00pm.

Here is a video for you all to watch and I hope it helps.

Here is another that is ten minutes. I must say these don’t help me, but that isn’t to say that they won’t help others.

Anything that disrupts this routine is usually the worse thing on the planet at any given time, no matter what or who it is.

What stresses me out:

Large groups of people

Leering person and anyone trying to chat me up or flirt with me


Gossip, judgmental people

People who won’t take no, stop or don’t for an answer

My back pain

Lack of productivity

Cold weather

A break in routine

My period

Inconsiderate people

Being on my own


I like alone time and spend a lot of time on my own, it isn’t by choice as I don’t want to be with someone just for the sake of not wanting to be on my own or have people visit just for the sake of it. I like particular people and there are very few people I like as people, I don’t care about who they are to me whether they’d be an acquaintance, friend or family.


Sex is something I find hard to endure and not just with anyone, I need to be able to trust that person, and never mind them respect me, I need to be able to respect them and these elements of a social situation are learned and earned. Compassion and understanding is also a must when I chose to open myself up to a person in an intimate situation and not just with anyone either, I don’t do one night stands or dial a shag. When I was younger, I spent a year or two letting go and it led to a very horrible situation that traumatised me and left me closed to most people I meet in an intimate encounter.


As Always, My Darklings, Take Care

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Word Press


Oh, the Pain!

For about over a decade now, I have suffered backache. It has almost become unbearable which is why I am on Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independent Living Payments.

Two major issues I have with it is Sciatica and Ankylosis. Seeing as the two ailments are in the same place and cause me a lot of pain,  I am on some pretty strong medication such as Co-Codamol, Pregabalin and I have Hydroxyzine and Mirtazapine and this last one is supposed to help with my mental health as well as my back pain. The anti-histamine is to help with my asthma, but also to help give me a sense of gradual tiredness throughout the day due to a sleep problem.


I came off all of my meds last year in favour of losing weight, and trying home remedies for these medical problems as taking all these meds was having a seriously bad impact on my day to day life and causing me to be fed up and depressed as well as an impact on my liver, kidneys and circulation.


Having Sensory Processing Disorder on top of this which has a major bash on all of my senses I am and have messed up over the years and this continues to get worse as I try and manage these issues on my own.

The family I have, I don’t like. My brother and my Uncle are the exceptions. I have friends but due to locality, I don’t speak to them on a regular basis and tend to distance myself socially due to my SPD and Depression. Physical pain also makes me have less patience with people and catch 22, I don’t have anyone to help me and a day to day basis and so I suffer it on my own.


I have spent I lifetime of people being less than sympathetic and undermining just how much I suffer from these things and telling me it is attention-seeking when it isn’t, it is the opposite. Toxic people tend to belittle things like being in a lot of pain, due to their selfish nature and I have a post about this if you want to read more. However, I state this because of the paragraph above about being alone to suffer the health issues I have.


I have some home remedies that work for me, most of the time. My oil diffuser helps with my SPD, helps relax me and helps gets me to sleep. I cook homemade meals from scratch and this helps me relax and focus on the task at hand rather than my mind wandering off into anxiety land. I zone into the tv when my day of writing, blogging and editing is done to switch off and it works to some degree as reading books while my attention is focused on pain is a nightmare.

I opt for a hot bath than a shower because although medical so-called experts will say it doesn’t help and I should opt for cooler, I disagree because low and behold, I know that a hot bath helps more than a cooler one. I sleep with a pillow between my knees to help my back pain and also my knees tend to lock up due to arthritis in my joints, knees ankles and hips as well as my lower back.


I also avoid going out during cold and damp weather as it hurts like hell during the colder seasons. I use hot water bottle on my back for backache, I use it on my front for period pain and I cuddle up to it for comfort when the pain is so great mentally, physically and emotionally that I wish for death.

I hope that my frank and to-the-point post about this helps my follower on the blog if they suffer from one or more of the same conditions.

As Always, My Darklings, Take Care

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A Symphony & Marriage of the Soul

Fuck You to the Thieves

Most of you know me as Nicolajayne Taylor but I have another name which I mentioned on the ‘About‘ page which is Rose-Lee Satan Constantine. From birth, I was betrothed to someone eight years, nine months and two weeks older than me. I mention the age gap, due to the importance of it to An ancient rite of Cypriot Greek Culture. I was married from the age of Four and although arranged marriages in the Greek Culture isn’t so heard of any more or at least I am unaware of it, this is in my case a real-life situation.

The condition of this rite haven’t been adhered by one half of this marriage and that is me. I haven’t had a clue about it as I grew up, had a life and forgot about it. It has led to this year is a complete meltdown due to the idiots my other half has around him and him. Mentioning this and who because I am sick of the constant harassment into keeping quiet, about it thus the fact that I will not name because of bad circumstances.  Because he is a well-known person to the UK, I am leaning on the air of caution due to he and his companions who have been scheming about making a lot of money out of me, him and an ancient rite that shouldn’t even be a conversation between anyone bar me and him, and official family.


This also includes something exceedingly weird between us called a Symphony and although I don’t understand it all that much and neither does he, he wants to talk about it and claim he has this with another person and the thing about that is, there is only one person who you can have this with. It is a rarety between me and that person and so-called experts don’t really know how to deal with it because most things they have advised have either been ignored by my other half or gone wrong.

The different things this includes:

A Sacred Vow, this explains it regardless of where the information came from.




Electronic Magnetic Connection

Sensory Connection Physically and that of the Psyche

Shared Consciousness


This may all read like a far fetched hippy-dippy madness but I can assure you I thought that I was going loopy- wack-a-doodle mentally, emotionally and physically for most of my life until the last few months. A gradual tip over that has been a rush over the edge into solid reality. When all the hassle I have had this year turned out to be down to this symphony and there is another element to it called synergy, an exchange of energy regardless of distance, time or space or locale, adding to ick factor in all this and if this stuff happened to someone else and I was reading this article, I would be clicking off immediately. However, read onwards and fasten those seatbelts.

It all has something to do with…65M

From a historical point of view, it is from Pagan times from which the ancient rite between me and my husband has sprung from and it is about uniting families, regalia and a new age called Aquilla which this planet is either doomed or saved as an era if it saved, it is about balance.

Scientific communities will shun some of this but even they have to acknowledge the phenomenon that has happened out there in space and on our own planet.

There is a particular age gap between me and my husband that adds up to twenty – it is important to the age of Aquilla which is an era of twenty-twenty, balance and seeing as the eyes and the other senses are in 20% 20% and the mind fills in the other 30%, the brain is the processor from which the body and mind needs for motor function. The Symphony is the best example I have that demonstrates this.

Constellation Eras of:






All relating to sight, sound, touch, smell and psyche meaning and this is both the inner-senses and outer senses.

The Symphony part of it that can be called the soul/spirit, emotions and mental amalgamation of all these elements. The physical, body and chemistry are elements linking to the Synergy side of it and that is also a serendipity of mental, emotional and energy with to the psyche side of it.

All this is a symphony, it is a Lexicon: Word of God so to speak.



Twelve hours of daylight

Twelve hours of the night

Four Hours of Dawn and Twilight

Daydreams and our Night dreams

As stated in my intro, these relate to the perchance areas

These elements relate to the different points of a Symphony between two people, talking from a scientific and philosophical aspect. This is my working theory having only discovered who I have that with and that it is a real thing, good job I am into my quantum physics!

The mind is the last undiscovered area of human occupation and psychology only accounts for behaviouralism and not preconceptions thought. The personality which is made up of temperament, attitude, emotions, memory and in my theory… the very thing that holds our atoms together.  I implore anyone who has lost a limb to run a weak magnet over where you are limbless and I can guarantee you will feel something.

My interest in the Quantum World harks back decades and my interest in the occult has been mainly cautiously and with major cynicism as being cynical is a superpower of mine always and hardened through the years.

The inner perspective of our outer senses is made up of consciousness, imagination, malevolence and benevolence. RNA vs DNA, Jeneva vs Jehova and Physica vs Psyche, I hope people get the gist of what I am getting out with this.

Those of you who follow Rupert Sheldrake, Elon Musk, Graham Hancock or Anthony Peake will know about Morphic Field Theory, Gaia and Spiritual Awakenings as well as the advances in technology at an extremely fast pace at the moment.

Nicolajayne Taylor

There are many other people from the scientific community who know that the Quantum world isn’t understood by most and has a different definition when it comes to stellar eras, Pysche and various different plasmas and in my theory, there are uses that could be for cures, more advanced technologies and our understanding of the multi-verse beyond our wildest dreams such as my theory for Thermal Dams using Freshwater and Sea Water and generate a lot of energy. Another of my theories is for the use of Corals that could be used for various applications, mixing with metals, plants and rocks. Corals can also be used for biological improvements and, reefs could also be preserved by using carbon – Charcol.


Now for the testers, you can do at home for yourself.

If you are aware of that inner voice inside your mind, it doesn’t belong to you and it isn’t the dead, angels or any such thing, try and ask that inner voice for its name, get to know it and converse with it, that my friends is your other half, it is your soul mate and location.


In my own circumstances, me and my husband have a mind, body and spiritual union, and this is how he’d term it, however, I say mental, physical and emotional. The synergy which can be known as a symphony cannot be transferred to another couple, unfortunately, and the two of us are locked into this whether we like it or not. I for one isn’t fond of it and though he says he doesn’t want this symphony, he won’t help me find a way of managing it so it doesn’t make our lives, separate lives a living hell.


More correctly, my life a living Nightmare. He doesn’t take my feelings about it into account, we were separated by our families due to trouble makers, misunderstanding and culture clashes. It has led to a life long resentment between the two of us, and though there is a lot of love there when it is just the two of us, it breaks down when others are involved whether that be a relationship, friend, colleague or relation. They annoy our relationship and we take it out on each other when we shouldn’t and should tell others to mind their own.


It is a bad dream that won’t end, we can taste what each other eats or drinks, we can feel each other’s touch sensations which means, when someone is in their personal space and I become aware of it, I feel sick or annoyed and this is the horrid part – when they have sex with someone, I, unfortunately, feel it. This is much to my utter disgust and repulsion. They, on the other hand, don’t share my distaste for such things, in fact, he has used it to his satisfaction and gratification and couldn’t care less how it affects me.

Author Nicolajayne Taylor

This year and more specifically since I became more aware of it, and when he isn’t bullshitting his face off at me, himself and everyone around him, because he would like to manipulate the situation for his own gain, we are falling out over each other’s life choices and preferences.


I am posting this due to what I have had to deal with this year and pretty much that it is all linked. I am also posting this in a desperate grab for defence and deterrent to my other half and the thing that wants to claim my theories as their own.

What is worse is I had forgotten all about this it until my other half went through some mind walks as part of some bullshit therapy, without my knowledge and unearthed some hair raising experiences on my side. Due to the connection between me and that person, I was dragged into that therapy without my consent or permission. I say this to give a bit of background to this year’s situation and circumstances.

Now I am left alone to deal with this crap that my other half inflicted on me and pick up the pieces and as I always do. I am constantly reminded of my dad’s family of having Regalia ie, me. I didn’t even remember that. I have been lied to all my life and my husband and his bag of idiots are holding my details to ransom, for their own monetary gain. I am royalty, much to my surprise. Rose-Lei Satan Constantine – Nicolajayne Taylor. I am my family’s regalia and my other half has tried to steal it, and he been claiming an allowance and an inheritance from my family and his for years with no intention of ever fulfilling the conditions of that arrangement. He and the bag of arseholes he has around him have also tried stealing my books, research and a whole lot more.

Regalia to me, means history, protecting traditions and archaeology and so much more. The inherited part, I value a lot more for what good it could do like funding sciences, traditional arts, education and not what he has used it for and that is beautifying himself, funding his marketing and basically being a spoilt individual who thinks and has said that he and the idiot are so-called more deserving of it and have lied to the authorities and my dad’s family so he can carry on claiming that allowance and inheritance.  What is worse is that this has been going on for years. He has begun a ton of rumours, ramblings and interpreting various mind walks using redlight masks, meditations and seances. Scaring the living crap out of me in the process!


I will return to the better part of it and that is the logical, analytical side of it and not the personal end of as it the pits when it goes wrong.

The Synergy element is a synchronicity, the flow of energy from one person to the other. We only get one soul mate – kindred spirit and eternal partner. This usually applies to the chemistry of various substances that can be crystalised but is rarely thought about in the terms of human occupation. Gases, mixed with metallics can turn into, crystals – think precious gems and can also be synergised for various uses.

In our situation it means to start again – ie me and my husband have to breed although at the moment I cannot think of anything worse, and the family line begins again starting with our first-born.


There is worse, they wanted to fake this with someone else, the idiot and his partner are trying to pass my theories off as their own and they constantly ask people of the scientific community if they are correct or not, I do not, I come up with my own theories with my own research. Worse, my husband and the other wraith wanted to do this all on national tv, media and has tried to do so. Their agent was forging my signature or so I am told.

This has led to a major war over this symphony and…

As a person, I try to be good to others and I avoid other peoples business at all times as I am not interested in gossip, celebs, soaps or what other people are doing other than when it concerns me and disrupts what I am about trying to impose their lives on me and mine.

I prefer science, history, gaming, research and writing my books and blog of course.

This is a real-life horror story than anyone could write and maybe one day I will write about this into a book but I scatter real life into my books anyway so I am writing about it over this blog, screw it. The numpties are even taking my books the erotica part way too seriously and most of the story is researched, not by any means inspired by life, mind and experience.



As Always, My Darklings, Take Care

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